I love the state of Washington, our oldest son lives there in a quaint cabin right on a river, nestled deep in the heart of Bigfoot Country!  We love to visit and explore the forests!  These original paintings were inspired after our last trip there and will be available at the Art Show at Comic-Con this year (2019) in San Diego, held at the Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel, anyone is welcome (you do not need a Comic-Con badge to get into the Art Show)!

bigfoot sasquatch art
“Nocturnal Creature”


bigfoot sasquatch art
“Foot Soldiers”



bigfoot sasquatch art
“Common Cause Comrades”


bigfoot sasquatch art
“Forest Gifts”



bigfoot sasquatch art
“People Watcher”



bigfoot sasquatch art
“Little Bigfoot”


bigfoot sasquatch art
“Garden Variety Squatch”


bigfoot sasquatch art
“Can I Play, Too?”